Sunday, February 7, 2010

Progress report: Sittingbourne and Sheppey

The campaign continues - my interviews were published in the local press and I am busy wrestling with new software to help produce some literature. I was also able to recruit an old university friend to the candidate ranks, have received more offers of help - most gratefully received - and have been invited to an environmental debate and to visit and address a school group. So lots to do.

The local news is that the BNP have, at last, put cards on the table, and will contest four seats in Kent - Dover, Folkestone, Ashford .. and Sittingbourne and Sheppey. This is a bit of an unknown factor but may hit UKIP's 'anti-politician, anti-Europe' vote. Still, I've never met a BNP person before so that should be interesting. With six of us now, the debates will get crowded.

For the Conservatives, Gordon Henderson himself continues to be very busy - but the rest of the Tories have vanished! There were rumours that they are not too eager to help him get into parliament, or perhaps they assume they will win the seat anyway so there's no point in bothering.

Labour, on the other hand, have been very active. I think their confidence has been boosted by the slight revival of the national party fortunes and by the presence of other candidates who may dilute the Tory vote. The problem for Labour is, someone might meet Angela Harrison, be very impressed, decide to vote for her - then they switch on the news, see Gordon Brown and co and that's the end of that!

Three months to go (or is it?)

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