Saturday, March 6, 2010

Now on the doorsteps

With two months to go (we think) we are now canvassing on the doorsteps. This is always quite an enjoyable task as you get to meet and talk to real people. It will be easier once the clocks change and the evenings get lighter (and warmer!).

Of course with canvassing you get a lot of 'don't know/not voting/f*** off' etc but despite this I have been pleased with the early results. Lots of Conservatives of course but we seem to be in second place - not many admitting to vote Labour - and hardly any for the others. I've met two Greens, two UKIPs and my first BNP voter ('all the foreigners should leave the country').

However we haven't touched the Isle of Sheppey yet where there is a lot of Labour support and is where UKIP have been concentrating - so it is still very much early days.

Meanwhile there are the other tasks - I am organising a fund-raising quiz night for tonight and have many leaflets to go out - as well as invitations to various debates and preparation of papers and leaflets for future events.

Alas, I am slightly wounded at present with a shoulder injury which is restricting the use of my left arm (ever tried typing with one hand?) as a result of some heavy lifting in an office move at work - but I will put on my brave, British, 'the cruel sea' expression and battle through regardless!

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